
I Write

This is a fiasco on so many levels, it’s just wrong
The people need inspiration but all they get is gon
Some like baboons they bark and screech wild loudly
Other feral dogs just fight over the scraps cowardly
We don’t know when they will stop with their attack
It seems forever that we’ve been on the wrong track
But wait what is this just another opinion so bold
From one just a wee child in the great world of old
He says raise up the flag of the country you serve
And remember to salute the brotherhood you deserve
This so simple a message for all soldiers who live
That it is remarkable how many forget to then give
What they owe to the ones who raised them up to win
Yet they recall the borrowers who drank their gin
So I write and I argue for the justice and reality
Which fixes the fates of the many without calamity
You may still find that the peace is but a delusion
For the war cannot be silenced with silly collusion
Fear not young soldier go with the grace of God go
You will be protected as they reap what they sow!